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Initial appointment

The first appointment can last from 60-90 minutes to allow a complete history of your pet to be taken and a detailed discussion of your concerns and goals of the physiotherapy treatment.


A variety of observations will be carried out which include how your pet is standing, sitting, moving and walking to provide a picture/assessment of your pets current mobility. Following this a head to toe assessment using palpation can help determine any problematic areas over the whole body and not limited to the referred problem.


A discussion will then be carried out of these findings and implementation of an appropriate physiotherapy treatment/plan. Your pet will receive any treatments deemed necessary at this appointment and when appropriate therapeutic exercises will be demonstrated to ensure you are comfortable carrying these out at home. 


We can also offer guidance on the home environment to help support recovery or prevent injury. We can detail lifestyle changes such as those relating to exercise/walking through to enrichment to ensure that both physical and mental needs are met. If we can modify the environment while supporting the behavioural needs alongside the physiotherapy sessions then we can increase positive outcomes. 

Dog Walking (Gait Assessment)

Follow up appointments

Follow-up appointments are usually 45-60 minutes and include a discussion of how your pet has been since the last session. The above assessments will then be repeated to see if there are any changes and if we are any closer to what we hope to achieve. The treatment plan will then be implemented on these individual findings and any changes.


If between appointments you are unsure of the plan or have any difficulties please always feel free to contact us to discuss. We would rather you contact than be stressed or worried about your pets condition or progress.

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